Wrapped up in the season

The holidays are supposed to be filled with joy, but it is up to you to keep them that way. So often the joy is lost as you are trying to find a parking spot in the mall parking lot. Then there are the lines, the frustration of what presents to get people, and even which credit card are all these gifts going on. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can take some action ahead of time to eliminate those stresses. First make a plan with your family to minimize or even eliminate the gift giving. Make the holidays about the experience of being with family and friends rather than the gifts. Second, if you are going to give a gift, make sure you have the money to pay for it now, not in January when the bills start rolling in. Third, live in the moment of the experience. It won’t matter if the rolls get burnt or the jello mold didn’t quite set, because what people will remember about the day is the conversations that take place and the way that each of us are transported back to experience connections with family and friends that keep us together.

On Monday night we had our annual Main Event Christmas Party. It was while walking around the bar talking to everyone that I felt it. It was at that moment that I remembered why we fell in love with that bar almost seven years ago. Main Event is a slice of Indianapolis. Race, religion, sexual orientation and anything else that may make us different just brings us together. It is a wonderfully diverse family that just seems to mesh. It brings me hope that as a community, we can all come together to wrap up the joy of the season for each other.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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