
Friends come and go throughout our life. New surroundings bring the opportunity for new friends. We all experience this early in our lives as we move from elementary school to high school and on to college. The friends we have around us seems to grow and change throughout the years. There are those friends that will be with us throughout our lives, and others that will fade away as we grow and change over the years. As we enter the work environment, new friendships form due to the shared experiences of the situation. Work friends can make a bad job bearable, and a good job even more enjoyable.

Throughout life, friends may move to distant locations and though we attempt to keep in touch and maintain those friendships they may slowly slip away. As an individual ages, they begin to outlive their friends and the support they once had from those friends is no longer available. The loneliness increases with each remaining year. The support of family just does not compare to the support those friends were able to provide. Lives change, friendships change, and the emotional stability within our lives may be upset.

Unexpected changes in the workplace, such as massive layoffs or business closings can have the same affect on friendships. Friends are separated from each other and those friendships can begin to change over time. Everyone tries to keep in touch, but without the daily connection the workplace provided, those friends are going to become more and more distant. Lunch every week turns into lunch once a month, and then dwindles into obscurity. Just like the aging individuals who outlive their friends, the individual that is the last one standing in that dying business experiences the grief from the loss of those friendships.

To all my friends that have left this place, some on your own, some with a bit of prompting, I miss you all. I’ll be here to turn the lights off and as I do, I’ll be remembering those amazing days we had together. Our journeys through life take us in many different directions, perhaps our paths may cross again.

store closing

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3 thoughts on “Friends…

  1. So well written and speaks to your character; you are an amazing man David and I am thankful to have met you and call you friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So beautifully written; it brought tears to my eyes. It’s easy for us to take for granted the connections we make with others and how much it adds to our lives.

    Liked by 1 person

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